Sunday, May 8, 2011

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  • Mistrblank
    Apr 8, 07:19 AM
    Wow. I bought mine at Best Buy on opening day and they sold out of them. Why in anybody's right mind would best buy not sell what they have?

    It keeps people coming back day after day.

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  • Grimes
    Apr 11, 03:43 PM
    If we're waiting until September for PRODUCTION, then I think we'll see something great in the late fall or early winter.

    I just want a leap with iOS 5. My take on notifications:

    Very interesting notifications concept!

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  • silverblue3
    Aug 25, 04:24 PM
    Granted, there are problems with the mac hardware. but till date, I've found apple tech support excellent. They have always replaced my hardware with no questions asked. In fact, they replaced my whole LCD screen on my 3 year old powerbook just because of a white spot.

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  • egan311
    Apr 11, 12:54 PM
    If true, this means that Apple has raised the white flag and accepted the defeat that Android has given to them. Not caring about the power of the hardware relative to others in the marketplace is a hallmark of a niche ecosystem.

    Welcome to obscurity Apple - Population You

    Yet another example of an opinion being passed off as 'fact'.

    Not surprised given your chosen signature.

    LOL! :D

    So true.

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  • rovex
    Apr 12, 06:28 PM
    Please explain this. You'd buy an iPhone 5 with HSPA+, but not one with LTE ? Why ? Makes no sense at all.

    The coverage and cost obviously.

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  • Hamish
    Apr 11, 10:36 PM
    Looking forward to the new final cut studio.

    if apple is smart they will allow access to individual parts of the suite
    as seperate Mac App Store downloads.

    If it were possible to buy apple Motion on it's own I think many existing After Effects would be very happy to have something else to play with that can take adavantage of their hardware and deliver some fun realtime workflows...

    it could be a halo product for such editors as well to end up using the whole suite...

    I bought motion for 300 when it used to be sold individually, and I have spent a tonne of money since simply because I love that product.

    do it apple. please.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 20, 12:29 PM
    I'd say even the icon grid claim is reaching. The pictures shown all show the Android application drawer. The actual home screen on Galaxy S devices, what shows up after unlocking, is not the icon grid with a dock. You have to dig into the phone to get to the grid of icons, which frankly again has been shown to be a pretty standard phone UI. Older Palm/Sony models had the "icon grid" UIs in their phones also. :

    Let's face it, the "icon grid" has been a UI for quite a while now :

    And all of them had a dock too? And the page change notifier and similar styled icons?

    People fail to understand that Apple isn't suing for grid layout. They are suing for the entire phone which looks just like an iPhone. Simple.

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  • lsvtecjohn3
    Apr 19, 03:07 PM
    Well you can see that with the Mac. About 3% worldwide marketshare but Apple makes tons of money with it.

    And eveybody crys tears here when some 5 year old Windows games finally get ported to MacOS. You want that to happen with the iPhone and iOS compared to Android? Fine. But I'm sure 99% of iPhone buyers don't want that scenario.

    HA I knew you were going to say that. developer prefer to develop for iOS. iOS user spend more money on Apps than Android user. Plus iPod Touch user can use the same apps as the iPhone. There won't be a Windows for the smartphones theres already too many players in the game.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 23, 01:59 PM
    Yes I am aware of our Pakistani situation. Do I support it? No. I have the exact same view that Joe Biden supposedly "had". We have no business being near other countries in a military manner unless they are a direct threat to us. "Unless we are attacked or unless there is proof we are about to be attacked"

    If you are supporting non-intervention, than I disagree. I support the notion that the UN (using member-nations' pooled military or civilian assets) should be able to intervene in a nation's affairs if it is thought necessary to either 1) protect other nations from harm or 2) protect a nation's own people from its government, or in the case of a civil war, one or more factions.

    With that being said, the UN has many flaws and I am not satisfied with the way things are done. But I do feel that intervention is sometimes necessary, if imperfect.

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  • Gugulino
    Apr 7, 02:49 PM
    There is also IPTV. The VOD offer of our triple pay provider includes also HD titles, which are pretty good in quality (720p and DD 5.1). The OS of the set top box is Windows ME or something. The only Windows in our household :D

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  • mdriftmeyer
    Aug 26, 12:39 PM
    Because Apple customers care about Apple and they want the best and reasonable services from it. Unfortunately, this is not the current case.

    I am sure most people agree that Apple's current way of handling the battery replacements leaves lots of rooms for improvements, particularly in non-US areas.

    We also shouldn't feel good just because Dell also does not handle it too well. After all, Dell has more batteries to replace and has a shorter period of time for preparations. Supposingly, Dell provides bargain PCs, while Apple tends to charge a premium for their products. Can't Apple customers deserve better services? Shouldn't Apple be better? Should we all lower our expectations from Apple and ask for a cheaper price instead?

    You might want to determine whether the way Apple treats its non-US customers is due in part to Apple's negligence or hurdles for doing business in these non-US nations.

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  • twoodcc
    Sep 19, 12:18 AM
    well i hope that this happens....and that they make more changes with the MBP

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  • z4n3
    Apr 25, 03:55 PM
    My PERSONAL view!

    I think this is all just media hype, if people were to think about this a little bit and put the Apple aside maybe there would not be so many rants on this thread.

    We are all tracked every day! by the Telcos, credit card companies, ATM`s, immigration and customs, Airlines, etc. etc.

    The only real people that this should bother are criminals, and you know that no criminal has a mobile phone in his real name or on his person, not even satellite phones.. as mobile phones have always been able to be tracked via the telcos cell towers! so this is nothing new, just because it has the magic letter "i" before it iTrackU is kicking up a storm, but as the saying goes all publicity is good publicity, and nobody can trump Apple on this front. I for one could not give a rats A*** what they do with my GPS coordinates, as the Tax office, My telco companies, and Bank have more details on me that what this file has.

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  • inkswamp
    Jul 28, 04:34 AM
    gnasher729, thanks for taking the time to explain that. I had to read it twice, but I get it.

    So it seems that in many ways we're getting the best of the G5 and the best of Intel with the Core 2 Duo chips. As these kinds of things unfold, Apple's decision to switch to Intel chips makes more and more sense. They probably knew where Intel was going. Interesting.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 11:33 PM
    Core 2 Duo is here. Looks like Toshiba is first out of the gate with Core 2 Duo laptops:Toshiba Qosmio G35-AV660 - AVPC Laptop (

    Wow! And only $3499 :rolleyes: I think a lot of us here would have a problem with the 10.1 pounds part. I agree the 17" 1920 x 1200 would be wonderful. I like all the features - esp if we could have an HD-DVD SuperMultiDrive and dual HDs. But the battery life of 2.5 hours leaves a lot to be desired. I guess you can't have it all without losing something in the process - like reasonable weight, battery life and price. :p

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 25, 01:44 PM
    Wounded, Apple will go on strike and remove all GPS from future devices now. ;)
    Apple's not spiteful at all. Nah. /sarcasm

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  • nighthawk
    Jul 20, 09:58 AM
    My quadra still runs, I guess I'm the forth party to get it.

    This feels almost like an onion article:

    Home Computer Gives Birth to Octuple-Cores

    <enter photoshopped picture of a Mac Pro craddling its new born octuplets>

    My first job as a graphic designer I used an enhanced SE/30 (with 20" external monitor). About a year later we upgraded to the Quadras, so I guess that makes me #5?

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  • Brandon4692
    Jun 22, 07:03 PM
    Yes Brandon they received them in store today. My buddy was able to grab two from the local store that did not generate any PINs so I will be getting mine Thursday morning now. Radio Shack is also giving $20 Gift Cards to use towards accessories at the time of purchase in this area.

    Ugh! Lucky!! I think I'm going to just keep calling my local radioshacks and head to one at least an hour before they open on Thursday!

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  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:41 PM
    Here are some of the issues with the iPod phone.

    In order to make the biggest splash, it will have to be available in both GSM and CDMA versions so that all of the big 4 carriers can use it. GSM is the international standard, so I'm sure they will have that *at least*.

    In order for it to matter, it will have to be able to access the music store over the air. Have you tried downloading an MP3 file, even on an EDGE connection? It sucks.

    The delay here has more to do with the networks. Until the 3G networks are fully rolled out (EV-DO on Verizon, UTMS on GSM, etc. etc.) and available beyond a few cities, this phone will just frustrate people. (Verizon's rollout has gone much further, but I would think given that CDMA is rare outside of the US that that fails to compensate for the fact that the GSM 3G is still in just a few markets.)

    The latest rumor is that wide-spread UTMS roll out will be in Q1 2007. When that happens, we'll see an iPod phone. It's not as if Apple couldn't have made an Apple-rific phone by now. The limitation isn't theirs, it's the networks'.

    In the meantime, you can get an HTC Tytn that will use 3G world wide and will play MediaPlayer... if you're into M$.

    Mar 3, 02:59 PM
    Bill, it's OK to react emotionally. We're people, not robots. :)

    Speak for yourself, squishy meat-beast.

    Apr 5, 08:34 PM
    Looking forward to the new FCP :D

    If you are trying to learn FCP, check out Larry Jordan tutorials. I learned a lot.

    Apr 25, 01:38 PM
    money grubbers

    I agree, Apple is pretty ridiculous at times.

    That must be who you meant, since you clearly haven't had time to read the lawsuit yet.

    Or do you think all lawsuits are 'money grubbers'?

    Apr 27, 01:30 PM
    Who would think I'd support Bush? He's not conservative enough for me, and his administration spent to much.

    How much did government intervene in business affairs during the Roaring 20's? The government has already failed to do what it should do: It should promote the common good. I find it hard to believe that the U.S. Government had this country's best interests at heart when I hear Mrs. Pelosi say that to find out what's in Obamacare, you need to pass it.

    I know a lot about alcoholism and codependence because my mother is a nurse who specialized in treating alcoholics and other drug addicts and in counseling them. You don't help an alcoholic by protecting him from the consequences of his actions. The protection can help him make even bigger mistakes. I've seen that happen in many families I know of that include alcoholics. I also know about entitled welfare recipients who abuse social programs by demanding too much from social programs, by getting it, and by defrauding them. I saw the entitlement firsthand when a relative of mine was a landlord who rented houses to welfare recipients. Welfare recipients ruined a house, my relative kept the security deposit, and then the family got the Department of Social Services to put them into a house for twice the rent my relative charged. But the family still had the nerve to complain that my relative had overcharged it.

    I started to dissect this mess, but you dive in six different directions. I'm starting to wonder if you are my father, he pulls the same crap.

    This is just not worth touching. You are so focused on the negative of everything that nothing positive can come of it!

    Jul 28, 04:57 PM
    I am a new Mac owner. I just bought my new 20 " iMac and I am learing aout the upcomming conference and possible new product releases. I
    Would appreciate any thoughts on my question.

    I am considering returning the new 20" I just bought in the 14 day period and taking the 10% hit and waitning to see if the iMac gets updated and I will repurchase. What is the likelyhood that the version I have will be updated. I would be bummed if I just bought it and I am at the end of a cycle. The $160 fee would actuallly be worth it to me to get thte latest. I would have to return it prior to the conference to stay within the 14 days but i may not want to loose out on lthe chance to get the latest.

    Any thoughts on this 20 " model be increased with a new processor??


    New Mac owner.....merk850

    dont take it back.

    I dont think that the difference will be that much, with the new systems.

    If your happy with its performance then keep it.
    A mild CPU boost isnt all that, and I doubt that the video cards will be upped that much.

    I wouldnt take the hit in money lost, cause you can always sell it later down the line and get the lastest and greatest thats really a must buy.I respectfully disagree. I say take it back and be ready for a much faster iMac Core 2 Duo. You want the latest, take it back. It won't be the latest for many more weeks. Core 2 Duo will be the latest for two more years.

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