Sunday, May 8, 2011

personal balance sheet example

personal balance sheet example. worth alance sheet put in
  • worth alance sheet put in

  • grue
    Apr 11, 06:29 AM
    Well, I can say this much:

    I don't care if they change the interface, because if the new version doesn't fix the LONGSTANDING issues with FCP, my post house is dumping FCP and moving to Avid and I'll have to get used to a new interface anyway.

    Sick of bad file handling, sick of flawed roundtripping, sick of crappy multicore support, sick of flaky-as-hell Qmaster, sick of stupid little idiosyncrasies that make sense to nobody I've ever spoken to in the industry.

    Apple needs to get their crap in gear or they're going to lose a lot of their FCP install base, not many places are happy with it anymore. I'm sure the idiot fanboys will buy it no matter what, but people like myself (who actually make a living and want reliable, efficient software) are ready to leave.

    personal balance sheet example. personal balance sheet
  • personal balance sheet

  • DotComName
    Mar 31, 04:46 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Android is a huge mess. If they took the approach Microsoft is taking with WP7, then they might have a better shot, but for now, it's just a fragmented and whored out OS and community.

    personal balance sheet example. personal balance sheet
  • personal balance sheet

  • REDolution
    Apr 10, 07:34 AM
    Well I bet they handle Formats differently.

    Gone is Pulldown. Gone is Film Support...replaced with the best web movie rendering support in the industry. Also Apple will change the antiquated delivery method for productions. Once your done you publish to the itunes store and you have now distributed your movie. The interface will be a multitrack version of iMovie. From watching this clip and all the industry big wigs saying "its wonderful" Ya its great but in a different way ... because whats going to be released is not FCP studio 4. I'm sure its a whole new thing. So all the iMovie 7 users who had to keep using it because iMovie 8 was a total re-write because of no legacy no pluggin support will happen to FC Editors. This will force Editors who use Studio 3 to continue to use S3 until they build up the features of this "new" editor. Its going to be a very interesting NAB. Avid and Premiere are going to gain a lot of new friends if this is true. But the larger batch of new editors who really could care less about 99% of what this small market needs will be very happy. I also bet the price is quite a bit lower as well.

    This will be the everything is gone and changed upgrade.

    Are you speculating or have you just disobeyed your NDA? ;-)

    personal balance sheet example. Personal Balance Sheet
  • Personal Balance Sheet

  • citizenzen
    Mar 18, 09:06 PM
    I am very unhappy that Obama did not get us out of a state of War. Which pacifist do you plan on voting for this next time around?

    What pacifist ever has a realistic chance of becoming the next "commander-in-chief"?

    That's why 5P's contention is so ridiculous.

    Candidates must paint themselves as "strong" and capable of leading our military, otherwise there'd be little chance they'd be elected as president.

    personal balance sheet example. PERSONAL BALANCE SHEET EXAMPLE

  • SuperCachetes
    Feb 28, 09:45 PM
    Correct I have no idea what causes homosexuality, neither do scientists.

    And yet you seem quite certain how the human brain works and what is normal/ not normal. :rolleyes:

    My original point was that you made an assertive, sweeping generalization without any backup. Just a very matter-of-fact "Hey, all you humans, here is how your body was designed. All you gays, you are not the default. Trust me, I'm from teh internetz."

    It's clumsy and insensitive at best, and just more religion-based trolling at worst.

    personal balance sheet example. personal balance sheet example
  • personal balance sheet example

  • brewser
    Apr 7, 11:50 PM
    This notion that Best Buy is the only one hoarding stock is typical of the stereotypical Apple fan. And once again, I've never bought Apple or Mac products at Best Buy because the staff are not knowledgeable in most cases, the same way I never bought a Mac at Circuit City for the short period they carried Macs.

    But which stores are well stocked the best with iPads?

    See if you can guess. I'll give you a hint, it begins with an A.

    Sure you can say, those are Apple's rules, deal with it, but that doesn't make it right.

    The truth probably is that some Best Buys are probably near Walmarts and Targets so they don't want to be out of stock for 2-3 weeks while Apple hoards stock at its stores. I'm sure none of them want to be out of stock for 2-3 weeks and suspect that Best Buy is the not the only offender of conserving stock due to Apple's inability to meet demand.

    Not one of these chains wants to be known as the chain that didn't have iPads for 2-3 weeks giving consumers the impression they don't carry it anymore!

    The only difference is Best Buy got CAUGHT!

    I would bet that this directive came from corporate and applied to a limited number of stores that were faced with the possibility of being out of stock for an extended period of time.

    People can conjecture here all they want, but no one really knows the details of Apple's supply promises vs. what it delivered with any of these chains.
    You are an idiot to believe any of that. BB wants to save stock for their Sunday ads. That is the drive to bring customers in. They do this with any limited product. It's their nature. They need a certain number that matches their ad. They will tell you they are out of stock but they are waiting for Sunday.

    personal balance sheet example. An example is that of ATamp;T.
  • An example is that of ATamp;T.

  • jaxstate
    Aug 11, 10:50 AM
    I wonder if it's going to be a toy or a real phone. I'm hoping it's more of a smartphone than a ngage phone. (i know they couldn't make a phone that bad if they tried, just tryint to get a point out there.)

    personal balance sheet example. alance sheet example.
  • alance sheet example.

  • Bacong
    Apr 6, 11:07 AM
    I am shocked that anyone finds this as a positive.

    So you all want a drop from 1.86/2.13 to 1.4GHz CPUs in your 13" MBA? That is a 30% drop.

    Then you want another drop of approaching 50% in graphics performance? Remember these IGPs clock in much lower than the STD voltage SB used in 13" MBP.

    I find this completely backwards from Apple's current position on both CPU and graphics, and I don't think anyone would end up with a faster or better 13" MBA than the current generation. Apple would certainly have to bring back the backlit keyboard and introduce Thunderbolt to sucker anyone into buying such inferior junk! I would recommend people buy the current generation on clearance rather than lose performance everywhere like this. If this is the chip Apple uses in the 13" MBA, prepare for a big drop in capabilities!

    I am still in shock anyone finds this a positive? Have you all read the clock speed? The facts about the chip and IGP in ultra low voltage variants?

    agreed completely.

    personal balance sheet example. alance sheet example
  • alance sheet example

  • joepunk
    Apr 27, 10:33 AM
    Scheisse (

    Mr. Trump claimed credit for forcing Mr. Obama’s hand, saying that “I feel I’ve accomplished something really, really important.” But he said the document released Wednesday would have to be examined for authenticity.

    On one hand I think releasing the full certificate should not have happened at this point in time as the dumb ass in the quote above is trying to take credit for forcing the release and only stupid, crazy, and racist people were asking birther questions. And now they all look sane and can claim sanity.

    But, now that this long form certificate is out the President can say "Here is what you wanted and now can we move on with business" and if the birthers still question the certificate the President can show, point and claim that it was settled long ago.

    personal balance sheet example. Personal Balance Sheet Form
  • Personal Balance Sheet Form

  • amin
    Aug 18, 07:39 PM
    ... If apple releases a 2.66GHz Conroe iMac/Mac/whathaveyou it will be able to crunch through FCP/Photoshop/etc faster than a Mac Pro because it can use regular DDR2 and won't suffer from horrendous memory latency.

    Where is your evidence to back up this statement? You have presented limited evidence about FCP, and none regarding "PS/etc." So far there is no "Mac/whathaveyou." Do you think a Conroe iMac will beat a Mac Pro due to lower memory latency alone? Do you have real experience or data regarding how horrendous a problem this is? Extra dual-core processor aside, the Mac Pro has a higher speed FSB, higher memory bus bandwidth, higher RAM capacity, and ability to set up internal RAID amongst other advantages over a Conroe iMac.

    personal balance sheet example. personal alance sheet example
  • personal alance sheet example

  • Miles Davis
    Sep 19, 04:26 AM
    Perhaps I didn't read this already, but has anyone thought that the reason Macbooks are pushed back is because Apple seems to be having serious problems with their Random Shutting Down? Computers are still out on repair for lots of people, they might be waiting for a new heatsicnk or logic board. I know I have to bring mine in for repair when i get back to the states...

    personal balance sheet example. Business Balance Sheet Example
  • Business Balance Sheet Example

  • funkyT80
    Apr 6, 03:18 PM
    Nice to see those small Mom and Pop tablet companies make there play too. :D

    personal balance sheet example. Personal balance sheet and net
  • Personal balance sheet and net

  • Deefuzz
    Nov 17, 09:00 AM
    a rather dissapointing car list .. what gives with not a single newer model from VW than 2005 ? hardly any new alfas, no audi a1, a5, a7 ? no fiat 500 abarth ?
    in general having old models instead of new ones at european car makers ? apart of lambo and ferrari few classic cars from european car makers added ?

    so they neither added old cars and hardly any new european cars but instead mostly kept the car models from 1998-2004 period ... a big dissapointment

    Actually I have to agree with this. There are somewhere around 1000 cars on the list, and some of the choices are confusing. No V series Cadillacs (only 1 Cadillac total actually) yet there are a crap ton of Nissan Skylines.

    Hopefully they will fill in some of the roster with DLC, but then there's the issue of pumping more money into a game for content that should have been included from the start.

    I still have it preordered and very much look forward to it, but the car list is a little confusing and disappointing.

    personal balance sheet example. personal alance sheet; alance
  • personal alance sheet; alance

  • sososowhat
    Aug 7, 03:17 PM
    The new HW is fine, but Leopard is exciting! I'll look forward to this as I have all the big cats. Time machine is a great idea; love the additions to iChat & spotlight.

    personal balance sheet example. Personal Balance Sheet Example
  • Personal Balance Sheet Example

  • obeygiant
    Mar 24, 04:23 PM
    Today, calling people who disagree with the Obama administration's antics "racist" is equivalent to calling someone a "doo-doo-head".

    personal balance sheet example. example of a alance sheet
  • example of a alance sheet

  • CrackedButter
    Aug 26, 04:41 AM
    If you haven't been reading the comments, it would appear MOST people are complaining about the more recent models. I would agree with most that the Powermac G5's have had serious issues and now recent macbook's... Apple needs to do one of the following ... Higher Quality Assurance testing OR better support cause right now they're missing both.

    Maybe so about the recent models but...

    G3 iBooks suffered greatly from logic board problems, I didn't have any, AluBooks when they came out had loads of troubles with their screens and the palm rests and eMac's had their fair share of issues as well. I didn't suffer either on either of those issues.

    My point is: It doesn't matter if it is intel or PPC designs. Hardware is going to fail and its potluck on how when and why.

    personal balance sheet example. Balance sheet, with sample
  • Balance sheet, with sample

  • milo
    Jul 31, 09:49 AM
    I respectfully disagree. I say take it back and be ready for a much faster iMac Core 2 Duo. You want the latest, take it back. It won't be the latest for many more weeks. Core 2 Duo will be the latest for two more years.

    Much faster? Benchmarks so far only say about 20% faster at the same clock speed. You just have to decide if paying a 10% restocking fee and being without your computer for who knows how long (I REALLY doubt new iMacs at the show, probably just towers and maybe MBP's) is worth that speed boost. And core 2 duo won't be "the latest for two years". Supposedly intel is going to ship quad cores by the end of this year! Not sure why you think that intel is suddenly going to stop making improvements.

    Personally, at this point if I hadn't bought I'd wait, but if did I'd keep it.

    Of course, the problem with waiting until Paris for consumer upgrades like MacBook is that Apple will entirely miss the educational buying season, losing one of the largest markets for its consumer products...

    The educational buying season already happened...and apple was just in time with the macbook. They just came out a couple months ago and are still selling like hotcakes, they didn't miss anything.

    And that design, that would be perfect. And it would have WAY better bang for buck compared to the cube, they need to make it simple, not a shiny work of art.

    You don't think Vista will be out before the revision to the Core 2 Duo due in Q1 2007 with the Santa Rosa chipset??? I bet Vista will ship by the time the Santa Rosa chipset is ready, especially because MS is suggesting Vista systems use harddrives or Mobos with flash RAM to speed up the boot process.

    The next update to Core isn't the new chipset, it's the four core versions, cloverton and kentsfield. And those are supposed to ship before the end of this year, which would beat Vista handily.

    Here's an example of a post based in fantasy instead of fact. Core 3 is a distinct next generation set of processors based on a 45nm manufacturing process that will not begin before LATE 2008 and reign all of 2009 and 2010. :rolleyes:

    Did you read his post? He said he meant the next update to Core, whether that's called Core 3 or not (any processor that goes beyond Core 2 because I don't know if they'll call it "Core 3"). He just used "core 3" because he didn't know what the real name for the next gen is.

    I hope not. Visions of Motorola hauntingly return.

    Possible initial supply constraints...because they decided to ship the chip a month EARLY? That's not remotely like moto.

    personal balance sheet example. Personal Balance Sheet Form
  • Personal Balance Sheet Form

  • macenforcer
    Sep 13, 08:52 AM
    Now this is what I am talking about. YEAH!

    personal balance sheet example. personal balance sheet
  • personal balance sheet

  • viccles
    Aug 26, 04:21 PM
    I'll believe it when I see it. Merom rumours have been flying for a long long time now. Not that it really concerns me anyway. Just hope its what you guys are anticipating

    Apr 6, 10:22 AM
    If the new airs are going to be anywhere near as powerful as the current MacBook pros, they're going to sell for sure.

    Apr 6, 11:30 PM
    Although the only thing that will ultimately matter is what Apple releases on Tuesday, if you want to get an inkling as to why FCP development has been at loggerheads since do yourself a favour and read a couple articles from Philip Hodgett's blog on FCP, QTkit, Cocoa, and it's unfortunate collision with OSX's 64 bit platform development.

    Which has been in development longer FCP overhaul or iPhone?
    AV foundation was overkill for iOS from the outset so that would suggest is was always intended for FCP.

    His articles have a funny assumption that the OS team has the most secrecy.
    Surely the more valuable projects Like FCP have greater access to information and the greater control over when the broader company gets to see their work. Sure they would have been trumped to iPhone team who would seem to have free reign. The CoreOS team would seem like they are the most open their job is to turn the private API's developed by the product teams into to a public developer platform. A lot of their work is even open source.

    Aug 17, 12:57 AM
    That FCP test, sorry to say is a joke. Nobody cares about dropping in strange footage into a timeline with different attributes and rendering it.

    Most of the time you drop footage that matches your timeline. In other words you don't drop DV25 footage into Uncompressed 10bit timelines unless that is all you have for the footage.

    They should have added some color correction and maybe a motion effect and then rendered it. Oh well.


    Al Coholic
    Apr 27, 09:42 AM
    And Tea Party members :DYou do know that Al "the accidental politician" Franken was at the forefront of this right?

    Unless that loon switched ideologies I don't think he even drinks tea.

    Aug 7, 12:03 PM
    Admittedly trademark law isn't my specialty, but I suspect Apple has a trademark on the word "Mac," and adding a generic word like "Pro" to it does not seem like something you could claim any originality with. Especially since it's based on their trademarked word in the first place. Is there something I'm missing?

    Oh, and a computer and computer store aren't exactly the same thing. How are you going to claim consumer confusion?

    David :cool:

    Apple has actually filed for the trademark "Mac Pro" _before_ this guy filed.

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