Sunday, May 8, 2011

kid cudi day and night wallpaper

kid cudi day and night wallpaper. day and night kid cudi album
  • day and night kid cudi album

  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 10:59 AM
    Speaking of wish expectations Multimedia;

    I know you're hangin' out for Santa Rosa. The article mentions that it's expected in early 2007. Do you think that would be the date for official announcement of production-standard architecture, or actual availability announcement?

    Seems very early to be shipping...

    I could go out in September and get a Merom notebook, but I don't mind waiting 6 months for Santa Rosa to hit the street.I don't expect the Santa Rosa setup to be ready before Leopard is next Spring. I was going to wait that long. But hanging out here makes me want something this Fall once Core 2 is in full swing - IE some of it hits the refurb page. :p

    I'm thinking 17" MBP or MacBook depending on if MBP has the MB removable easy access HD feature. MacBook is really a bargain @ $949 refurb. I may even go for just a bottom of the line 1.66 GHz C2D refurb mini. But my penchant for spanning says a $949 MacBook at least. I've been a spanner since it became possible in 1986. Find one screen impossably confining - ESP since the 24" is also a TV most of the time thanks to Elgato's amazing EyeTV technologies.

    Mac Pro does crush video about 33% faster than this Quad G5 does. Still not fast enough. But significantly faster than I can do it now. But so might the MacBook. I really can't say yet. My mind is in flux. Still have to test Core 2 Duo performance Vs. Mac Pro for my particular video crushing needs. Two bottom of the line Minis may be an option as well.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. kid cudi day and night
  • kid cudi day and night

  • britishempire
    Aug 7, 03:31 PM
    Looks very nice. Spaces will become a "how did we live without this?" feature as expose already has.

    Does anyone know when we can expect a video of the WWDC to be uploaded??:confused:

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. It#39;s a slow day in Cudder land
  • It#39;s a slow day in Cudder land

  • Cyberskip
    Apr 6, 12:13 AM
    I'm not trolling, this is an honest question. But isn't a Final Cut pretty much worthless for commercial use without a way to put the results on Blu-Ray?
    Here are a few examples.


    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Kid+cudi+album+cover+day+n
  • Kid+cudi+album+cover+day+n

  • coolbreeze
    Apr 7, 11:30 PM
    You people don't know the facts and are jumping to conclusions. You need to realize that this is a RUMOR site....

    Share the facts then sir.

    We are reacting to a rumor on a rumor site.

    AppleBestBuy? (applebb)?

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. KID CUDI ALBUM DAY N NITE

  • chatin
    Aug 16, 11:58 PM
    This poor cache design will kill off the G5's fast in rendering intensive workspaces.

    The G5 has only 1MB of cache and it's per core not per cpu. If one core needs to cache 3.5MB of data it's possible on the Mac Pro becauce the CPU cache is fully unified.

    I just ran Cinebench 9.5 on my Mac Pro and got 4 Cpu's Showing and a healthy 3.5 Ratio. (That means the CPU's are working together very well, thanks to the Intel Smart Cache.)

    :) :p

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. West\\#39;s Good Music Presents Kid Cudi Every1 Free - New York Events. Size: 334x500 Filesize: 21.01 Kb
  • West\\#39;s Good Music Presents Kid Cudi Every1 Free - New York Events. Size: 334x500 Filesize: 21.01 Kb

  • 4God
    Jul 14, 11:07 PM
    8 cores?! Wow, maybe one day!

    8 cores, yeah you can get that in a jumbled amd setup today.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Kid Cudi#39;s “Day #39;N Nite.
  • Kid Cudi#39;s “Day #39;N Nite.

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 13, 11:40 AM
    Most people run more than one app at once.

    Yes, that's true.

    It's also true that most of the time, most people aren't even maxing out ONE core never mind eight.

    And when they do, their program won't get any faster unless it's multithreaded and able to run on multiple cores at once.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Day+and+night+kid+cudi+
  • Day+and+night+kid+cudi+

  • ugp
    Jun 11, 12:22 PM
    Anyone know if I place a preorder on the 19th what the chances are I'll be able to make a reservation for the 24th?

    I would Pre-Order ASAP. The longer you wait the less your chances get. Being their are 4 Retailers confirmed to launch I am sure Apple has a big Inventory on these but how much will each Company be receiving is the question. I can see Wal-Mart getting the least from anyone.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. kid cudi day and night jim jones remix - results 3-b-s
  • kid cudi day and night jim jones remix - results 3-b-s

  • X2468
    Mar 31, 11:03 PM
    Probably what bothers me the most about the discourse that Android is open is that underlying that logic is an implicit (or perhaps really explicit, depending on who is touting that discourse) assumption that it is democratic, liberal, progressive, and for "the people" and thus prevents a "draconian future" from happening because instead of letting corporations dictate our digital worlds, the people will a) have a say in it and b) have a choice.


    This discourse makes a false link between software being open source and political ideology. The two are not necessarily corresponding. And furthermore, that Android is actually open source is highly debatable but I won't go there.

    Why do so many technophiles fall for the discourse that open means choice means freedom mean democracy discourse? It's all BALONEY! Google isn't really interested in protecting your freedom, democracy etc.. It's really interested in surviving and making money. Let's try not to fall AGAIN for that political cover.

    In this case, I find Apple much more honest. They don't talk about political ideologies like freedom, democracy etc. All they say is they want to make devices that are friendly and easy to use. They don't couch their products in political ideological terms.
    Your verbose attempt to cloud the truth is impressive, even if wildly false. It's readily apparent you've gone to great lengths to cover up your lack of technical erudition.

    I do agree that Apples current advantages are:

    1) Brand Name
    2) Excellent Product Design
    3) Huge Population Of Cult Like Followers
    4) Steve Jobs, Worlds Best Sales Person

    Yet change is brewing, nothing lasts forever.

    Be prepared.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Kid Cudi - quot;Day #39;N#39; Nitequot;
  • Kid Cudi - quot;Day #39;N#39; Nitequot;

  • Super Dave
    Aug 5, 09:16 PM
    Thanks for the links, Dave! I found them both very informative, especially the one on Quartz 2 Extreme.

    Do you have any feel for when we will see a roll-out of the pro apps? I recall quite a bit of rumor-mongering just before the Intel announcement. Since then it has been rather silent. I thought the sudden drop in Quake might be a precursor to something fairly soon??

    I have no inside information. I just read rumour and news sites� a lot! Although I use the pro Apps for a course I take, I'm not familiar enough with them to know their typical release schedule. For instance, iLife is once a year, whereas Adobe CS products are about every 18 months - 2 years. With Apple's Pro Apps I just don't know. Anyone?

    David :cool:

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. day and night kid cudi album
  • day and night kid cudi album

  • Abyssgh0st
    Apr 28, 11:54 AM
    Yikes. I just read through this entire thread and it was quite the read.

    1. I still find it hard to accept that there are numbskulls out there who doubt that the freaking PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES was not born here. Seriously? And then to claim it's not about race? Then what is it about, his politics? Just because you don't like what he does or says? Yeah right.

    2. Conservatives really have tunnel vision. They focus on static topics such as homosexuals, abortion, marijuana, etc. They fail to realize that because these things will never disappear, they should still lobby against them. They think that they should never 'lay down' and not let 'evil' prevail. They are seriously wrong, especially since these issues don't actually effect them. It is ignorance on their parts because instead of fighting issues that can change (wars, spending, healthcare), they focus on the few that are not going anywhere (at least not a regression, they will only become more prevalent), rather than the sea of issues that are malleable.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Need To Know: Scott Mescudi,
  • Need To Know: Scott Mescudi,

  • Macaroony
    Mar 7, 07:51 AM
    I won't rejoin this discussion. But since neko girl may be waiting for my reply, I'll only suggest a source (
    Here's a tidbit from the pdf:
    This book is dedicated to the
    Holy Family, the sublime model for all
    families, and our sure guide in the
    reaction to the sexual revolution and
    homosexual offensive.

    May the Blessed Mother intercede
    with Her Divine Son for all Americans
    committed to defend the sacred
    institutions of marriage and the family.
    Interesting... wasn't Mary knocked up by an angel and was she really married to Joseph? :confused:

    Whoever wrote this nonsense has no idea how the world really works and what the social and cultural consensus was in the 1700s, the Renaissance and all the way before. Any idealized tradition in family, culture and society the Christians of today are pining for would completely eradicate everything we've worked for to be free and live without fear to be who we are.

    I just have one thing to say to all the righteous religious folk; it's over, end of the line, the jig is up. You've had your chance and you blew it. Join us in the 21st century where liberty, freedom and equality prevail - it's not perfect but it's the best we can do. So, rather than fighting it, join it and help it make better.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Kid Cudi - Day and Night
  • Kid Cudi - Day and Night

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 24, 02:25 PM
    I'm not the one leveling unfounded, sweeping, non-cited accusations of racism, but I guess that doesn't bother you. Color me surprised.

    I'm not going to to hold up this discussion with it any further, and while I stand by my general assertion it was slightly rash for me to inject it here. Another day perhaps.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Kid Cudi Day N Nite: july25
  • Kid Cudi Day N Nite: july25

  • brepublican
    Nov 28, 10:29 PM
    This is ridiculous. The record companies are obsessed with money. They didnt seek royalties on CD players but iPods are somehow different. They are MUSIC PLAYERS. They record industry should have no part in music hardware, its just ridiculous.:mad:

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesnt understand why they would want money for every iPod sold. Is this how Microsoft plans to "kill" the iPod with their Zune? By distorting the mp3 market with such kind of BS :mad:


    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. day and night kid cudi.
  • day and night kid cudi.

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    Apr 7, 09:54 AM
    It's not false per say, at least not 100%. Of course, graphics in such systems are usually IGPs, but before the Core iX line of processors, anyone could license and build chipsets for these processors and include a different IGP than Intel did. Intel however refused to license this for the new processors, including the SB line and thus nVidia who was making chipsets could not produce an IGP for the new platform.

    So yes, essentially Intel told Apple they had to use the 3000 HD as an IGP, where before, Apple was using nVidia's tech. There was even a massive lawsuit about all of this, between Intel and nVidia which ended with nVidia stepping out of the chipset business alltogether.

    So the poster you were replying to wasn't 100% wrong at all. It is in fact a testament to Intel's incompetence how all of this was handled, since an old MBA with a 320m outpaces new SB machines that have a much more powerful CPU in graphics performance.

    I know about the whole nvidia/intel lawsuit, but to say that intel forced apple to use the IGP is not correct imo. Yes they may have said if you want to use integrated graphics, they must be our integrated graphics on sandy bridge, but obviously apple could still have chosen to use discrete graphics as they did in some of the macbook pros, however seeing them absent on the airs and the 13" mbp shows that apple didn't have enough space to include discrete on top of the new processors. I see what you are saying, but the op said intel made apple use their graphics in a machine that costs this much!?!? not true apple could have easily added amd graphics if they wanted to, however due to cost/design/whatever they use integrated graphics in their smaller laptops!

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Kid Cudi Feat.
  • Kid Cudi Feat.

  • ninjadex
    Mar 31, 02:44 PM
    What so many fail to realize is iOS was made for the iPad from the get-go. It's been mentioned many times that what became the iPad was in development longer than the original iPhone.

    This goes to show that iOS conceptualization is light years ahead of Android. It's so obvious Google is scrambling, and seems to be making this stuff as they go along, without any sense of a master design guiding the way.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. day and night kid cudi.
  • day and night kid cudi.

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 25, 02:50 PM
    Number 1: Apple is apparently labeling the reports as false
    Number 2: Who even cares if Apple or Google or Microsoft or any corporation is tracking our location? What things are you involved in where you would even care? What harm could their knowledge of that information cause you? (apart from the crackpot theories of paranoid people)...
    People will sue for anything these days and hopefully legislation will be passed soon to stop the ridiculousness.

    Brings to mind:

    If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns.

    Seriously, communication between your device and cell towers etc. has been this way since the first cell phone.

    It's similar to getting your phone bill showing you all the calls made.
    You keep the bill, it's private info and only at the phone company.
    Somebody steals it, different problem.

    If Apple was still a small company nobody would have cared.

    They are connecting themselves to Apple to get publicity.

    BTW: I have been asked plenty of times by my iphone whether I want to allow location services. I click yes, as I have nothing to hide.

    The criminals that this would actually be harmful to are using stolen cell phone etc.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. That Kid from Cleveland
  • That Kid from Cleveland

  • Mike84
    Apr 25, 03:29 PM
    As I pointed out in my earlier blog posting (LINK (, until somebody proves that Apple is both collecting the to their servers AND using the data in a manner that allows them to personally identify a specific user, this lawsuit is meritless and a waste of the court's time.


    The lawsuit would still be meritless unless Apple was violating some act of Congress or state law. It seems these two idiot lawyers have not alleged that, therefore the lawsuit would still be meritless.

    kid cudi day and night wallpaper. Kid Cudi - Day and Night
  • Kid Cudi - Day and Night

  • Consultant
    Apr 7, 10:23 PM
    Oh no. BB is a good way to find an ipad 2 in some areas.

    Mar 1, 05:05 PM
    Right, that's why England is preventing a married couple from adopting.Link, please.

    Apr 8, 08:28 AM
    me too! I wanna learn!

    How does withholding stock from the public aid a company? I can imagine holding them till everything is registered in their system and accounted for. But turning people away when they actually do have stock doesn't sound like a good business practice to me
    Sorry if this has been beaten to death over the next nine pages but I just don't have the time to read it all this morning.

    It's very simple really. Each day a retail outlet like Best Buy has a budget they want to hit. Even though it depends on local let's call it $75,000. Now let's say in this very high pressure competitive environment I have already made budget but know that tomorrow my budget is going to be $100,000. I'm a little nervous about hitting that but know that I got like 15 iPads sitting in the back. Very simple solution. Do not sell anymore iPads for the day and wait to sell them tomorrow! The iPads alone will net me 10,000 of that budget. No way am I going to sell them after I've made todays goal.

    This is just one of many different scenarios but they all are very similar. Should I hold iPads in the back until it looks like we may not hit budget? Should I hold them off for tomorrows monster budget? Should I sell them to go over budget and be tops for the day in the district? Etc, etc, etc.

    Jul 21, 08:26 AM
    yeah, what he said. Apple does not have to distinguish powermacs from servers with processor speeds. People (businesses) who need servers are not going to buy powermacs to do the job even if they are a little bit faster or cheaper; they are going to buy real rack-mounted servers.

    Now you're not thinking like a competitive company that needs to continue to make money.

    Sun is on the ropes and Apple now has a chance to soar in and take a lot of business from them.

    How does Apple releasing an eight-way workstation prevent them from competing with Sun in the server market, again? I must have missed that part.

    Aug 28, 07:09 AM
    Well, it seems like you are the one having hard chill out, since we all try to be polite in this forum...otherwise, just go visit some other place where you can vent your anger on people.

    As I said above, I am talking about facts and statistics...I am sure there a few cases where guys are just unlucky and receive one lemon after another...but this does NOT represent a trend nor a relevant percentage. You must have this impression because you go to an Apple Support forum and see 100 posts complaining the hell out of just fail, and fail badly, to realize that there are some 1,000,000 users out there with no problems at all.

    Anyway, before you start babbling again, check the link below...these are FACTS, not whines.,1895,2006502,00.asp

    So please, before you spit out some fire, bring me some real facts, like percentage of failures and so on...the report I've read above shows Apple as having the LOWEST repair rate and HIGHEST trust of all makers. This, for me, is relevant; not random screams in Mac forums.

    Really no hard feelings. You are right, and the professionals who do test and write reports
    are making their reports up... Statisics, as we all know can be made to look one way or the other. The fact, that APPLE is acknowledging quality issues just proves that they themselves are not happpy with what's going on since the intro of the new MB and MBPs.

    Apr 11, 06:18 PM
    sept release will fall into my upgrade period. great

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