Monday, May 23, 2011

2011 scion tc

2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion Tc Stock Front
  • 2011 Scion Tc Stock Front

  • chrono1081
    Apr 5, 04:23 PM
    anyone that would download this app is a complete moron

    Not really. You know this app is more for people interested in creating iAds right? This way they can see what is possible to be done and create their own. Think of it like when you go to the paint store and they have swatches for you to look at. Its kind of the same thing.

    2011 scion tc. The revised 2011 Scion tC will
  • The revised 2011 Scion tC will

  • dissdnt
    Apr 15, 03:12 PM
    Yah it's a 3d render, and photoshop added grain, doesn't look anything like real camera grain.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 scion tc body kit
  • 2011 scion tc body kit

  • iOS v Android
    May 3, 02:04 PM
    Why is it that Google always touts how open is so good, then they realize that, oh, guess we should tighten things up a bit, maybe being too open is not such a good thing.

    this has nothing to do with google or openess. it is the carriers restricting access to the apps. This is the carriers and their policies. They see the apps as a threat to the plans they sell so they blocked them

    2011 scion tc. Toyota unveils the 2011 Scion
  • Toyota unveils the 2011 Scion

  • Stellarola
    Apr 25, 11:53 AM
    Looks good, I've been holding out since my first-gen iPhone.

    ...hopefully we'll see a Summer or Fall release? :)

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC – Click above
  • 2011 Scion tC – Click above

  • bazzalisk
    Oct 3, 03:17 PM
    Merrom MBP ;p

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC
  • 2011 Scion tC

  • hobo.hopkins
    Mar 28, 04:46 PM
    This not so subtle shift is a terrifying glimpse into the future of our beloved OSX.

    That is so crazy it's ridiculous. There is no evidence to support your statement. Mac OS X is not headed towards the "walled garden" universe that everyone seems to freak out over. Apple's just giving people who don't know anything about computers an easy way to purchase and find applications.

    I do agree, however, that by not including applications outside of the Mac App Store Apple is diminishing the value of the award. I believe it is within their right to do so, although I don't like it.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion TC
  • 2011 Scion TC

  • Kent3205
    May 3, 08:58 PM
    This might be a little off topic but the following comment:

    "One of the main promotional points of Android as its popularity has soared has been the unregulated nature of the app marketplaces for the platform."

    reminded me that I have some degree of comfort that Apple screens apps so that I don't inadvertently download something which is actually a virus, steals passwords and other personal information, or does something else nasty.

    Perhaps I am unduly comforted and there is some iTunes fine print that says they don't check for that sort of stuff. Otherwise I would have thought Apple could have used the "safety" aspect in it's marketing, and created some fear for Andriod users around they really know what they are getting.

    In that way iTunes aspp store is sort of a big condom for your iPhone - pure protection.

    2011 scion tc. The Scion tC is sleek and
  • The Scion tC is sleek and

  • aliensporebomb
    Jul 21, 02:27 PM
    I swear guys: I'm pretty sure most of the people dropping calls are only dropping calls because of the proximity sensor issues.

    Next time you drop a call, check to see if it says "Call Failure" on the screen. If it doesn't, it's probably the sensor. (I'm talking to a wall, I'm sure�but if one person discovers the real problem, I'll be happy�

    If it does say call failure, take it to Apple and they'll give you a new one. Simple. (:

    More accurately, at least in one case of my own Iphone 4 I ran into a case where my ear or face bumped the mute button (because the sensor thought my face wasn't hear it or the sensor was blocked) which caused the person on the other end to go "hello? hello?" which caused me to go "huh?" and then the person on the other end hung up before I could unmute.

    That happened once.

    I also saw, exactly once what appeared to be the sensor thinking my face was up to the phone when it was not - specifically: dialed a call, phone held at arms' length: screen goes blank instead of staying on, I get voicemail and want to hang up but I have to fiddle with it for the screen to come back on.

    Part of these issues are happening because I'm using a case from my old iPhone that doesn't really fit the phone and I believe it's obscuring the sensor.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion Tc. scion Scion+tc+
  • 2011 Scion Tc. scion Scion+tc+

  • Stella
    Jan 10, 09:24 PM

    Very immature.

    2011 scion tc. Customized 2011 Scion tC by
  • Customized 2011 Scion tC by

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Mar 9, 11:39 PM
    That's a bit of a superficial hypothesis you got. The majority of computers in the world are still Microsoft based. Perhaps businesses are switching to Apple but for now, the world is not at all run by Apple. Not even close. Once Steve controls the market like Bill and becomes half as rich as he is, we may consider talking. You need more experience in life son, as one person said, turn off your Apple product and look outside your window, there's life that doesn't breath Apple.

    No the world is not run by Apple; and despite some folks claims Apple I don't think wants to be the next Microsoft either.... it does want to own a comfortable niche however...

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC Picture
  • 2011 Scion tC Picture

  • sparkso
    Mar 29, 02:05 AM
    great stuff,
    what had the prizes been like in previous years?

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC: The GT-R#39;s
  • 2011 Scion tC: The GT-R#39;s

  • Tundraboy
    Apr 30, 08:04 AM
    Who said there couldn't be custom software? You'll simply need a developer package. Students might get a special 'exception' area on the App store or private access or whatever, but it doesn't mean they won't start closing down the system at some point. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon....

    They've been driving away the professional market for a few years now by releasing consumer gear labeled as "Pro", ignoring pro features on previously true pro hardware and not updating their professional software and taking too long for updates on the Mac Pro. Then there's using non-standard connections (oh yeah; Mini-Display Port is supposed to be a standard now even though hardly anything supports it), dumping professional video cards for the Mac Pro (this alone kills the platform for some). So based on their 'who cares' attitude towards the professional market, what makes you think they'd care about whether some students didn't like the new system? They're already convinced they would LOVE it based on iPhone/iPad sales. A little inter-connection accommodation and what does it matter if most consumer software has to be App store installed as long as 'developers' have some flexibility? Pony up a nice developer fee and Apple makes even MORE money from all those college students and teachers.

    Again, I'm not saying it will happen that way, only that it's looking to be a stronger and stronger possibility the more steps I see from Apple. They seem to be heading in that direction. The only question is whether they will close down the 'open' interface to OSX at some point and that's a big 'maybe' in my book. Apple ultimately does what Apple thinks is best for them and doesn't care what 'some' consumers want. They ultimately have the 'yes' crowd telling them everything they do is great so who cares about a few whiners that want certain things to stay the same?

    Well Said!!!!!

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC
  • 2011 Scion tC

  • rtheb
    Apr 29, 06:54 PM
    I'm underwhelmed! :eek:

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC Review 2011
  • 2011 Scion tC Review 2011

  • wpotere
    Apr 13, 08:48 AM
    I don't get how you see nothing wrong with it. In addition to it being completely pointless and ineffective, if you moved this situation from the security line of an airport to anywhere else, the TSA agent would be thrown in jail for touching a little girl like that and the mother probably would as well for allowing it to happen.

    OMG!!! She patted down a little girl using the back of her hands! Send her to jail now for molesting that little girl! :rolleyes:

    What if that little girl had a gun strapped to her leg because her mother or father wanted to go on a shooting spree and they were using her as a mule to get the weapon in?

    The poster above is right, they won't win either way. Like I said, take a different form of transportation if you don't like the rules.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC
  • 2011 Scion tC

  • gnasher729
    Nov 16, 03:21 PM
    There is absolutely no, no, no way that Intel did not enter a contractual agreement with Apple that explicitly prohibits or deters Apple from using AMD's competitive products.

    Given that there is a major lawsuit between AMD and Intel going on right now where AMD claims that Intel has been using its monopoly through exactly that kind of behavior, you can be assured that no such agreement exists.

    That said, there is value in having a good relationship with a supplier, and there is value in being able to use the same designs in all products. AMD would have to produce something quite amazing for Apple to switch over.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC by Five Axis
  • 2011 Scion tC by Five Axis

  • Neodym
    Oct 3, 05:28 PM
    Unfortunately this is EXACTLY why Apple ISN'T producing a headless mid-range Mac. They will lose out tremendously on display sales. They either want to sell you a display within the unit (iMac, MacBooks) or sell you a display with the unit (Mini, Pro). Mini users will buy one because A. they're in the store and B. don't know any better. Pro users will buy one because they are top-of-the line, beautiful screens and they, generally, have money to burn. Mid-range users (and prosumers) know well enough that they can get a cheap, good-enough monitor for $200 from NewEgg or eBay (for the daring). Instead, we prosumers either have to settle for the iMac or splurge on the Mac Pro.

    Mmmh - i see it a little different:

    Why shouldn't the so-called "prosumers" be interested in beautiful and top-of-the-line monitors as well as the "pros"? Even worse - the target clientel for a Pro computer often earn their living on those machines and they might need raw power, but not necessarily a "beautiful" screen - especially if the old one would still do its work.

    Thus i would suspect prosumers to be more willing to "burn some money" for a nice Apple screen just because it fits their lifestyle, than someone who has to invest to earn money on it. And don't forget how Apple introduced the mini - it was targetted at users who ALREADY OWN a monitor (and keyboard and mouse).

    So one of the main target groups for Apple monitors would be exactly the clientel which currently is not able to find something proper: A more powerful computer than the mini, but less pricey than a Mac Pro.

    Therefore the gap between a mini and a Mac Pro is a little big indeed! Not only because of the initial purchase cost, but also because of the cost following when you have to buy "pro" equipment (like e.g. memory) at "pro" prices as well...!

    The iMac aims at a completely different audience here and is a good complement, but never a replacement for a mid-class machine.

    If Apple wants to continue to grow they HAVE to differentiate their lineup a little more! Personally i would not mind if they would do it in the stylish area and bring up some acrylic beauty again or even introduce some really new (or at least different) ideas. But it is not that important as long as the they eventually close that huge gap!


    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion tC spare tire
  • 2011 Scion tC spare tire

  • Lynxpro
    Oct 20, 01:29 PM
    Not just for interest though - if Apple do not take a firm presence in the rapidly developing (India, China) countries now, they may well face the same uphill battle against Windows they have been fighting for the past whatever years in the US.

    India has a large tariff they impose upon computers not made/assembled in India. The only way for Apple to gain large market share in India is to either build a factory there or find a reliable Indian subcontractor to build their product for that market.

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion Tc Main
  • 2011 Scion Tc Main

  • Micjose
    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    It doesn't look that bad. I would definitely buy it. :)

    2011 scion tc. 2011 Scion Tc Full View
  • 2011 Scion Tc Full View

  • rdowns
    Apr 16, 04:28 PM
    It is not gay people that people should be afraid of. It's people who promote homosexuality through media, education, culture, and government that people should be afraid of.


    Europe calling
    Jan 15, 02:12 PM
    The only thing i am dying for at this moment is to get the bugs out of Leopard 10.5.1.
    I had really hoped today would be that day.
    A real dissapointment! :(

    Apr 10, 11:47 AM
    dang. yeah, not asking for much huh :cool:

    but don't be surprised if you don't get half of that, and it costs $6k.

    this is one of the main things that bothers me about apple. i just don't understand why they wait so long to update the mac pros like this. at least announce something

    I know... but I can always hope :p

    It used to be worse when we had to wait for Motorola/IBM to produce enough chips, there were almost always delays in production because of yield issues or something else.

    Jan 10, 03:53 PM
    Worse than lame.

    Where does Gizmodo operate from? I'm going to pay them a visit and turn their monitors off. If you can't tell that's a metaphor for kicking them in the shins and then the face.

    And then maybe if there's enough time, I'll force them to watch Dark Planet or that episode of Battlestar Galactica 1980 where the kids go up in a tree and turn invisible and start throwing apples at the people down below and they have those ridiculous viper bikes.

    Anyone remember Tek Wars? What a show!

    Apr 21, 11:14 AM
    The counter is crap anyway. It goes from -1 to +1 without a 0. And it seems completely random.

    Apr 25, 12:00 PM
    Doesn't the status bar look taller? I remember a thread on here talking about how they overheard engineers discussing iOS 5 and that was one of the things that would be different. It was going to allow for an SBSettings type of thing and maybe a place for notifications to scroll? Anyways, cool. But I think this is fake.

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